In 1980, the RogunGESstroy construction department, part of the Tojikhydroenergostroy trust, was appointed the general contractor for the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power station to prepare the construction base, build the city, transport roads, and build and commission the hydroelectric power station. In 1976-1992, he completed many construction works. Transport roads, tunnels, and four bridges were built across the Vakhsh River. The construction site was built on the basis of concrete plants, a stone crushing plant (DSK), Gidrospetsstroy, Gidromontazh, KKM, KMV, KNA, HB and others with all their infrastructure. The city of Rogun was founded and 210 thousand square meters of residential buildings were commissioned. In May 2014, based on the decision of the Supervisory Board of JSC NBO Rogun, the Main Construction Department of JSC NBO Rogun was formed as part of JSC NBO Rogun, and personnel, machines, mechanisms and fixed assets were formed. JSC RogunGESstroy was transferred to this department.
JSC Capital Construction of JSC NPO Rogun was created in December 2015 on the basis of the Regional State Administration of JSC NPO Rogun.
According to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 152 dated March 30, 2022, JSC Main Construction was created on the basis of JSC Main Construction of JSC NPO Rogun, and on April 1, 2023, it was removed from JSC NPO Rogun.
The company is responsible for the following activities in NPO Rogun:
– performance of construction and installation works at the facilities of NPO Rogun;
– provision of construction with machines and construction mechanisms;
– provision of construction with technical water, electricity, concrete solutions, sand and gravel and other services.
The company carries out its activities in accordance with the charter and implements them on a fully economic and self-financing basis. The work plan and production plan prospects are agreed with JSC NPO Rogun.
JSC Sokhtmoni Mesin also contributes to the development and transformation of the image of the city of Rogun. The company contributes to the timely provision of technical and drinking water to large facilities of the century.
The team of the company increases its efforts and zeal, contributes to the timely commissioning of the first units of the power plant.
The economic structure of JSC Sokhtmoni Uzal consists of the following departments and divisions:
Management body;
– Management structure;
– Corporate secretary;
– Internal audit department;
– General department;
Human resources department;
Production department;
Planning and economics department;
Chief mechanic department;
Department of law and contracts;
Design and technical department;
Occupational health and safety department;
Geodesy department;
Purchasing and supply department;
Housing and communal services;
Medical center;
Public laboratory;
Main structures and underground works section; (MSWS)
Blasting operations subdivision;
Mechanized works and motor transport area (MSMA and NA):
Road use zone;
Power plant section;
Industrial production section
Stone and gravel farm No. 2;
Concrete plant No. 1;
In 2023, the Company performed construction and installation works and services with the following organizations in accordance with the contract.
– Construction and installation works.
– Employee transportation services.
– Iron ore transportation services from Dushanbe Highway to Rogun Highway.
– Fuel delivery service from Dushanbe Highway to Rogun Highway.
– Repair and maintenance of roads inside the plant.
– Drainage of seepage water inside tunnels (Drainage),
– Service for providing fresh air in the tunnels of the power plant.
– Uninterrupted supply of electricity and technical water on the territory of the Power Plant.
2. Vibild Company.
– Uninterrupted supply of electricity and technical water on the territory of the Power Plant.
3. JSC Tojikgidroelektromontazh.
– Uninterrupted supply of electricity and technical water on the territory of the Power Plant.
– Employee transportation services.
4. OJSC “EMZ” Norak highway.
– Uninterrupted supply of electricity and technical water on the territory of the Power Plant.
– Drainage of seeping water inside the tunnels (water drainage),
– Service for providing fresh air in the tunnels of the power plant.
5. FZHSSP “Tunnel Saddi Oriyano”.
– Uninterrupted supply of electricity and technical water on the territory of the Power Plant.
– Employee transportation services.
6. LLC “Yakubdzhon-2016”.
– Car and mechanism supply service.
7. LLC “Stroitelny fond”.
– Car and mechanism supply service.
8. Branch of LLP “Branch of Hunan Road and Bridge Construction Group Company Limited in Tajikistan.
– Snow removal service during the winter season on the highway from the 91st kilometer of the Dushanbe-Kyrgyz border highway to the city of Rogun.